Beautiful environments to inspire beautiful minds

Nurturing Environment

Entrust us to support and nurture your child through a holistic approach to Early Childhood education. We ensure your child has every opportunity to fulfill their learning potential and create joyous experiences and memories along the way.

Our curriculum balances the advancement of digital opportunities for children, with the traditional elements of a holistic investigative approach to learning through discovery… and discovery through learning! Working with a plethora of materials and resources, collaborating in groups, sharing a voice as a class peer and designing the direction of learning and desired outcomes, our programs are a little more unique and purposeful than others.

Sharing quality time your child, understanding their unique requirements is what underpins every element of our curriculum and reflective practice. We embrace standards and practices that contribute to a global perspective of learning and information exchange. Our local community and family partnerships thread into our daily practices and form the foundation of standards. We model a respectful advocacy for diversity, uphold a non gender, non bias core value, promote and demonstrate sustainability, respect, value and embed the aboriginal culture.

We have a strong  commitment to sustainability, to forging joint partnerships with local child agencies, respecting and upholding inclusive practice for all children, supporting additional needs of children and families, and integrating the STEAM ( science, technology, engineering, arts and maths) principals within daily practice.

Our service is working closely to establish unique and tailor made partnerships that provide an interagency approach to overall wellbeing and holistic health. Families and children are supported in language development, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, psychology, community health access and referrals to support your child’s overall development. Networking with alternate health agencies to provide choice and shared medical management plan is a key principal in community involvement.  Our agency partnerships aim to make accessibility, consultation, information sharing and collaborative planning functional, purposeful and time efficient.

Just like the beautiful learning environment we have designed, every part of our curriculum is purposeful to ensure your child is nurtured in an environment where they can excel.

Our Hummingbyrd room caters for a maximum of 8 children per day in a beautiful, nurturing and homelike environment. We create engaging and respectful relationships between family, children and service to ensure your child’s transition from home is a positive and happy experience. The foundation of our practices stems from the attachment theory- where strong, secure, safe and consistent relationships lay the pathway to your child loving their time within this enriching environment.

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Our Songbyrd room caters for a maximum of 12 children per day in an environment that fosters the beginning of independence and autonomy. Our routines, programs, facilities and resources scaffold busy minds and supports the need for curious and inquisitive exploration. With consistency and higher educator ratios, we support families as their children begin their journey to independence.

Our Wattlebyrds are immersed in a bespoke program that takes learning opportunities to a new level. This program lays the foundation for children to begin their journey to preschool readiness. The programs and daily rhythms embed a holistic experience providing opportunities that promote children’s social and emotional understanding, build a sense of resilience and self-worth, scaffold ideas, nurture curious minds, and promote respect for the local and broader community.

“Start Strong” fee relief funding available for all preschool-aged children.

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Our Lyrebyrd preschool nurturing program enriches and enhances all skills children require as they transition from early childhood to school. Built upon both teacher and child-initiated experiences, this school readiness program fosters each child’s unique learning style, provides opportunities for children to understand and develop their personal growth and development, initiate and direct their learning, and create respectful and meaningful relationships with peers and their community  Designed to meet the needs of the whole child, we’ve created an overall experience to build self-esteem and confidence, self-worth, resilience and mindfulness. We embed all elements of community and the natural environment into our preschool program so all children develop a respectful and enduring desire for sustainable learning.

“Start Strong” fee relief funding available for all preschool-aged children.

Our Commitment to Child Safety

Erlibyrds is fully committed to the safety and wellbeing of all our children.

At Erlibyrds, we believe that every child is entitled to be safe and feel safe so they can thrive and develop to their full potential. This fundamental right underpins and is at the forefront of our care and decision-making. We are committed to the NSW Child Safe Standards, The United Nations Rights of a Child, The ECA Code of Ethics and all other government and regulatory child safe guidelines. Through our commitment to these agencies, we are contributing to the greater awareness of child safety in our community. Our service philosophy recognises and prioritises the child’s right to self-expression and make decisions and choices that influence their learning and wellbeing.

We are committed to providing Child Safe Environments that provide clear guidance and a best practice framework for child safety, ensuring we represent a preventative, proactive and participatory approach for families and children. We foster a culture of openness and trust that supports our Centre’s community. We ensure attention is embedded to the safety of vulnerable children in our community, the respect to diversity of cultures, and the inclusion of needs of children with disability.

We are committed to working with organisations who are advocates for the safety and wellbeing of children at risk. Through ongoing reflective practice, consultation, and regulatory adherence, we set safety guidelines around appropriate conduct od conduct within the service for all staff, students, volunteers, and families. Our recruitment procedures ensure we employ suitably qualified candidates who are screened, reference checked and must hold a current working with children check.

All members of the Erlibyrds community have a responsibility to understand the important and specific role they play individually, and collectively to ensure the wellbeing and safety of all children. Our belief is that all stakeholders in our service feel informed, equipped and empowered -therefore ensuring our children and community thrives.